If you need hotel accommodations while attending the Springfield Motorcycle Show, we suggest you try the Comfort Inn & Suites of West Springfield. There are special show rates available, so please mention that you are with the show when you call. Room rates are as low as $79/night! To reserve a room call at (413) 736-5000.
They are located at 106 Capital Drive, West Springfield, MA, US, 01089.
The Comfort Inn has 75 beautiful guest rooms. It’s close to the Big E and is a perfect location when exhibiting at the motorcycle show and best of all, each morning when you get up, the breakfast area awaits with a wide selection of both hot and cold items to get your day started off right.
The Springfield Motorcycle Show will be held at the Eastern States Exposition, home of the Big E, located in West Springfield, Massachusetts. This expo facility offers a central location for show goers throughout New England.
If you would like to get directions to the show, just click on the MapQuest map.
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