Springfield Motorcycle Show
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Springfield Motorcycle Show Promotional Campaign

The Springfield Motorcycle Show is a highly promoted event.  Each show season we see big crowds of shoppers eager to spend their Christmas money on all the latest products from the motorcycle industry. 

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The Springfield Motorcycle Show draws bikers from all over New England and the greater Northeast.  To keep the motorcycle community and the general public up to date on all the things happening at the show, OSEG utilizes TV, Radio, Print, Web and Social Media.  We are dedicated to getting the word out!

As motorcyclist anxiously await the start of a new riding season, the Springfield Motorcycle Show is the perfect cure for the Winter-time blues.  You don’t have to take our word for it though, read what motorcycle new reporter Tim Aloisio has to say in his “On Two Wheels” article about the show.  Thanks Tim for the great write up!


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