Springfield Motorcycle Show
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Opportunities are just down the road.Sponsorship Opportunities

The Springfield Motorcycle Show draws big crowds from around the Northeast.  Attendees are interested in seeing the latest and greatest products the motorcycle industry has to offer. 

The show appeals to motorcycle owners and future riders alike.

Our formula for success was introduced at our first motorcycle show back in 2006 and the results speak for themselves.  We are very proud of how well our show has grown over the years and we are happy to share in that success.  Are you ready to ride with us?

Sponsorship opportunities are available that will give your business extensive exposure to both our show attendees and the general public.

If you would like to discuss becoming a show sponsor, please contact show promoter, Doug Sousa.

Contact Info:

Doug Sousa,
Phone: 413-467-2171
Email:  doug@osegshows.com


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