Springfield Motorcycle Show

Past Motorcycle Show Exhibitor

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Featured Artist:  Larry Cahill

This is Larry Cahill from Larry Cahill Photography.  He’s had a camera in his hands for over 50 years. Photography is definitely his calling and he has made it his profession.

The key with any career is do what you love, but the key to a successful career is to also be great at what you do.  Larry has both covered in spades.

If you ask him what makes his work stand out, he’ll tell you that he’s different from most other photographers in that he don’t just photograph people or things. Instead, Larry strives to capture how his subjects make him feel.  

Larry Cahill

This personal connection with the work and having lots of talent allows Larry to create some amazing images.  It is easy to see why Larry Cahill is highly regarded in the motorcycle industry and we are thrilled to have this talented artist not only with us at the show, but also as our Featured Artist.


Larry Cahil

“I’ve been tinkering with cars, trucks, and motorcycles my whole life. I love capturing the beauty and ingenuity that the gearhead in me sees and feels. The final images resonate with those that also appreciate mechanized vehicles of all types. “


Larry Cahil

Larry is a very approachable guy, so be sure to stop by his booth, see his work, and find out more about the services he has to offer. 

In addition, be sure enter this year’s show DOOR PRIZE!  If you are the lucky winner, you will be presented with a special certificate for a shoot with Larry Cahill. 

Would you like to see more of Larry’s work and find out more about his photography business before the show?  Visit his website at https://www.larrycahillphotography.com/

Door Prize

Larry Cahil


You can also find Larry on these social media sites:



See you at the show!


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